Top 10 Digital Marketing Gurus That You Must Follow

Success will always leave tracks, and many people can learn from the tracks of accomplished and influential people within the industry. When studying and following successful people who made it in your industry, then chances are you can follow suit!

If you’re in the digital marketing industry and need more insight and inspiration for your next strategy to reach your goals, who should you follow? There are hundreds of digital marketing gurus who claim to be the top, and while you can follow everyone, it’s best to filter down your following to the best of the best.

So, who are the SEO experts and digital marketing gurus you should follow and begin learning from? Read on to find out who!

Top 10 Digital Marketing Gurus to Follow

Digital marketing gurus are professionals who have years of experience with the desire to share what they did to help paved their way to success. Following them won’t mean you’ll immediately reach your goals, but you receive insightful tips and motivation to help you get there efficiently!

With that in mind, here are a few excellent digital marketing gurus who share valuable content and are fun to see on your feed:

  1. Neil Patel

Neil Patel is one of the most popular digital marketing gurus of all time, with almost everyone in the industry knowing who he is. He’s been the top marketing expert for years now, continuing to be the head of the industry today.

His following on Twitter is almost 350,000 with a collective social media following of more than 1 million. This is all thanks to how his messages resonate with people who are either beginning or fellow experts in the digital marketing industry.

Patel shares advice on most social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and his personal website and blog. He is even a New York Times bestselling author and part of the top 100 entrepreneurs under 30, named by former President Barack Obama! You can also see him honored by famous companies like Forbes, the UN, and WallStreet Journal, even consulting for companies like Airbnb, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Reuters!

With all the awards and experiences, we can definitely say he’s one of the best in the field and worth the follow.

  1. Gary Vaynerchuck

Also known as Gary Vee, he is also one of the best and known influencers in digital marketing, an author, entrepreneur, speaker, and content creator.

Before he founded his powerhouse ad agency VaynerMedia, Gary Vee helped turn his family wine business into a multimillion-dollar company, all thanks to adopting digital marketing techniques early. He was wise enough to get into email marketing before anyone else did it, getting the product to the customers back in the 90s, taking advantage of the opportunity and freshness of his idea. 

Now, he stays on top of the leading trends of the digital space, helping others by broadcasting tips on his podcast, books, and social media platform. 

  1. Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferris is an entrepreneur with a blog and podcast with millions of followers and listeners. He is also the author of multiple books that were put on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists. 

All the content he creates focuses on helping people build their starting businesses, and they are very effective, as he now has over 1.6 million followers on Twitter and over 300 million downloads on his podcasts. 

  1. Ann Handley

One of the best female digital marketing gurus, Handley started out as a journalist, then turned into a marketer. The transition began in the late 90s when she and her husband noticed the digital marketing trend rising. While people were already taking advantage of the industry, there was still a lot to innovate, which is why they created Clickz, which is a directory of resources for people who want to learn about online marketing.

They found success from it, selling it for over $16 million after three years. Afterward, she became a successful author, keynote speaker, and even MarketingProfs’ Chief Content Officer, teaching aspiring entrepreneurs what they need to know about digital marketing. 

Handley is proud to be one of the top LinkedIn influencers and Forbes’ Top Thought Leader, as well being named one of the people who shape the modern marketing world by IBM!

  1. Seth Godin

For over three decades, Seth Godin has been speaking, writing, and inspiring others with his unique take on entrepreneurship. All of his books (18 of them!) are bestsellers and a must-read for those who want to start their own business. He also has his own blog where he shares his insights about anything regarding marketing, as well as his own podcast and courses on Udemy. 

Besides this, he has regular speaking engagements, with his speeches posted on his YouTube channel. All of this has garnered millions of views and listeners!

  1. Guy Kawasaki

Kawasaki considers himself as a chief evangelist, and for a reason! He’s popular for the marketing work he’s done for Apple back in the 80s, and today, he works at the online graphic design company Canva in a similar role. Besides this, he holds degrees from both Stanford and UCLA, and is an Executive Fellow of UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business!

He is also an author, who has written books centered around marketing and the art of social media. 

  1. Shama Hyder

Another amazing female digital marketing guru, Shama Hyder is an up-and-coming expert who has achieved a lot. She is the founder and CEO of Zen Media and named “Millennial Master of the Universe” by the Fast Company, as well as the “Zen Master of Marketing” by Entrepreneur Magazine.

She is also the author of “The Zeon of Social Media Marketing” and a keynote speaker, also being featured as an expert in her field on CBS, Fox, NY Times, Business Week, Wall Street Journal, and more!

  1. Brian Clark

Brian Clark started off as a solo blogger and now has a multimillion-dollar online business, building his audience form scratch. Today, he takes blogging to new levels by teaching people about content creation and marketing strategies. He uses his experience in marketing and copywriting for building profitable blogs, now having online courses about it.

  1. Derek Halpern

Derek Halpern is a popular blogger, covering psychology and marketing in his famous blog, “Social Triggers.” He started off with two gossip and entertainment websites during the early 2000s, monetizing it as he reached a million views monthly.

Now, he created Social Triggers, which became a million-dollar business as he sold online products. What makes him unique is that he doesn’t share conventional marketing strategies but goes out of the box with different ideas! While he isn’t as active on his blog, he still has thousands of followers listening to what he has to say.

  1.  Pat Flynn 

Pat Flynn began his blog “Smart Passive Income” in 2008, which became profitable as he set himself apart from all the competition as he shared his income reports and tips on earning.  He continues sharing his income reports for transparency, along with detailed tips on monetization strategies for online businesses, as well as product reviews to help his target audience and following.

Wrapping It Up

While you can hire an SEO company for digital marketing strategies or try to make it on your own, you can always use a bit of help and a push from experts. By knowing how they work and analyzing the strategies they used to become successful, you can become one of the best in the industry, too! You’ll know what works and what doesn’t, based on firsthand experiences from those in the field who have used the latest methods, techniques, and practices.

So don’t wait any longer and begin following these digital marketing gurus to take you and your business to the next levels!

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